
Disk Drill just keeps getting better. Stay updated with the latest features and offers.

Rated 4.7 out of 5
Reviews 446
Sep 23, 2019

I use Disk Drill to restore my APFS and HFS+ volumes that sometimes just vanish when formatting on external hard drives. Once, I lost an entire partition on my Mac because somehow, as luck would have it, Disk Utility figured it would wipe that partition out since it was somehow linked to an external SSD which I was wiping… Needless to say, I love Disk Drill! The added features are nice, although I use other tools to accomplish these tasks. Gemini is my GoTo for duplicates, and I use Daisy Disk for visualization. You could also use CleanMyMac but Daisy Disk is prettier. 🙂

Mar 24, 2011
Keep Your Files Safe! Two Copies Of Disk Drill Pro Up For Grabs

Your Mac can be kind of a jerk sometimes ya know? I mean, it’s totally not your fault that you accidentally dropped that school report in the bucket then emptied the trash the day before it was due. But not to fear: Disk Drill for the Mac knows right where’s it been marked for deletion, and yanks it right from our hard drive (without boring any holes). And if you’re just buying Disk Drill, a deep scan should uncover just what you’re looking for. You need Disk Drill as assurance against unfortunate mishaps, lost files, and damaging deletions. Not only will Disk Drill protect your home folder, but it’ll keep an eye on your hard drive’s health so you’ll never have to worry about a dying disk. And if all goes haywire: just back up your documents to a disk image! It’s that simple, and Disk Drill comes in free and pro versions so you can decide what’s right for you. Super easy to use, we’re giving away two licenses to a couple lucky readers.

Dec 15, 2010
Disk Drill Is An Amazingly Simple Recovery App For HDDs

When we lose deleted files on our hard drives we tend to think of this information as unrecoverable. In times of panic we resort to Google and often extreme utilities to scrounge our Macs for every last bit of recoverable data possible before sifting through the garbage of unreadable file names and Quick Look previews. Disk Drill offers a solution to data recovery that I found to be interesting enough for a chin rub and a thumbs up. As the scruff on my beard understands it, Disk Drill offers a very cool features called Recovery Vault.

CleverFiles explain that Recovery Vault protects a hard drive by essentially keeping an index of your file’s meta information. In an HFS and HFS+ filesystem, once you empty the trash, those files no longer retain their location, name, or any other associated data that can identify that file to the end user. Granted, the actual file is still available as written zeros and ones on your hard disk, and it’s still recoverable if that deallocated space hasn’t been written over yet. If a hard disk is protected by the Recovery Vault, Disk Drill monitors those changes and keeps a record of that meta information the HFS filesystem disposes of. So the next time you accidentally delete that end-game business file, Recovery Vault gives you a much better opportunity of finding that file (and much more quickly!) before it’s too late. Pretty cool right? There’s still a risk data will become unrecoverable, but you have a much better fighting chance.

That’s just the beginning of what Disk Drill can do…

Krešimir Jurić

Your program is great, I restored data from my 3 disks quite easy, a bit time consuming, but at least I got to review them so I ditched some old stuff… Have a nice day, be safe!

John Kim

Earlier today I purchased and activated the Disk Drill Pro for Windows through the student discount email. Your program recovered precious files (scanned and archived family documents) and I am so thrilled.

In fact, I am so amp’d about your program that I want to buy into the lifetime update option. This is such a useful tool that I want to invest in it.

Thank you!


This product is magic. I’ve just recovered most of my data from an “unreadable” external drive. I was so lucky to stumble on you.

Jayne Kennedy

Thank you.

I just wanted to say, I tried to purchase 3 different types of data recovery software in the past 48 hours and Disk Drill has been the most favourable, responsive and legitimate tool I have used.

Thanks for the software!

Brett Weston

A massive THANK YOU ALL @ CleverFiles for your fantastic help all the very best all thanks again looking forward to any of your upcoming apps that I’ll be getting so put me down for your news letter list and keep me posted.
Kindest Regards

Mike Tremberth

You guys are amazing I would like to personally thank you because your software worked compared to other company’s like ease US and Recuva. I will recommend your software to everyone. You saved my photos on a flash drive amazing. Thank you.

Chris Grant

Genuinely, my past experiences have been exceptional with Disk Drill. I was able to rebuild multiple drives and recover several “lost” partitions following a freak accident. In Austin, TX we had a fire, nothing huge, but it happened to burn right through several houses in Steiner Ranch (including ours). Obviously, the fire took out every electronic device along with all our belongings but somehow my server wasn’t damaged to the point of no return as I was able to restore the aforementioned drives and partitions.

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