
Disk Drill just keeps getting better. Stay updated with the latest features and offers.

Rated 4.7 out of 5
Reviews 443
Jul 2, 2020

THAT moment when a storm takes out your laptop & all your work & back up that was plugged in too & you sit and sob! Then after five days of searching with #diskdrill you find a few words, then a chapter, then all the books that mean so much!
Do not ask me about back ups! #author

Jun 28, 2020

I’ve used Disk Drill by CleverFiles with good success on hard drives and USB keys. Not in a while, but fairly sure it brought back file names too. You can try it for free which will let you see what it finds.

Jun 17, 2020

So, to be true, this app isn’t really free if you want to recover the files the free version finds…BUT you will know if the file(s) you need to recover are there before purchasing. I recently lost a very important file after changing HDs and upgrading OS, because that particular file was in an obscure path that wasn’t included in regular backups. I remembered that I had this file on another iMac that hadn’t been turned on in 18 months, however, as luck would have it, its HD was un-mountable when I turned it on! After a panic, I read about various data recovery software, and installed two after creating a boot disk to get that iMac started. The first one didn’t seem to find the file I needed, but Disk Drill did. After a long 15 hours (2TB HD), Disk Drill found over 1TB of data on the un-mountable HD, and it found the file I was looking for! Sure, I wasn’t expecting to pay $95 (w/tax) to recover this file, but in the end I’m glad I did. Keep this in mind: if the files you lost are important to you, you probably won’t find a free way to recover all of them. The tech that goes into these recovery apps comes from software engineers that must be paid; so it may hurt a little bit to pay for it, but it’s not their fault you lost it in the first place 😉 I think this is a great piece of software, even if the Dr. icon is a bit creepy.

Jun 3, 2020

Disk Drill saved my skin, I’ve done a big mistake when making a backup of my daughter files, I recovered almost every photos and videos. Thank You for help and support.

May 31, 2020

I second disk drill, saved my butt a few times. Often if you have the original packaging with your SD card, there’s often a free download for data recovery software as well.

May 21, 2020

Disk Drill is the best data recovery software out there try it…

May 6, 2020

Back up frequently, back up often. Got yet another call about a lost final project and I’m here trying to help. Disk Drill saves lives. FYI.

Apr 30, 2020

I had a CF micro drive from like 2003, and Disk Drill pulled images from it that I’ve definitely written over repeatedly.

Apr 29, 2020

Ох.. з флешкою я стикалась лише 1-2 рази, ще в студентські часи на віндовсі. Пам‘ятаю, що щось відновити вийшло, але не пригадую що це була за програма, вона навіть на SD карті відновила несподівано фотки, що заглючили і пропали. Наразі останнє, що мене рятувало це був DiskDrill.

I recovered my footage using Disk Drill. It can also help with partitions as well as deep scan facilities. Try their free version and see what it can/ cannot recover.

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