I not only found a way to recover my files using a software called Disk Drill. I found out that I have tomorrow off!
I got everything back for free !! Disk drill is now my best friend
Massive shout out to
here. Disk Drill recovered all the precious memories, along with like three thousand other photos from the last five years Face with tears of joy the sense of relief on this end is undescribable
So I just purchased disk drill pro for data recovery 😬 #BusinessPurchase I’ve used the free version before but this pro version is wild it recovers EVERYTHING 😳 and I mean everything. #DataRecovery
I mistakenly formatted my 500Gb partition containing all important files. Disk Drill is saving the ‘poor’ boy
I used disk drill to recover a corrupted hard drive. Worked well
Pat pat pat yg kuat ya chika Filenya keapus dr laptop ga? Kalo iya coba download app file recovery di gugel. Dulu aku pernah nyoba yg namanya Disk Drill, krn skripsiku ga sengaja kehapus sampai bersih dr recycle bin…. Untung bisa direcover pake software itu
The joys of formatting the wrong disk. #DHLessons lucky I have a copy of DiskDrill
Buying Disk Drill for 90 Baht rather than spend like 3k was my best purchase this year…
Disk Drill *is* incredible. And the other advice is, too.